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The Carbon Neutral Design Project:
Carbon Calculation Tools:
More Detailed Carbon Calculation Tools

This page is dedicated to more detailed information on Carbon Calculation tools. Specifically highlighting the work of Professor Michael Utzinger of the University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee and his 3 Scope Carbon Analysis Spreadsheet that was used in the design of the Aldo Leopold Center.

The Carbon Accounting Protocal that was developed by Professor Michael Utzinger to design the Aldo Leopold Legacy Center to zero carbon, divides Operating Energy into Scope 1, 2 and 3 Carbon. Scope 1 Carbon is the result of Direct Emissions - arising from fuel combusion for heating and cooling (stationary combustion) as well as fuel used for organization vehicles. Scope 2 Carbon relates to Indirect Emissions, typically the result of electricity generation. Scope 2 carbon is more difficult to assess in instances where there is a lack of certainty as to the type of generation for the electricity used in the building. Scope 3 Carbon relates to the Indirect Emissions that are the result of the energy expended by the members of the organization to travel to and from work, as well as travel more widely for business reasons.

Carbon Emission Classification Caused by
Scope 1: Direct Emissions (operating energy) - stationary combustion (boilers, stoves)
-organizational vehicles
Scope 2: Indirect Emissions (operating energy) -electricity generation
Scope 3: Indirect Emissions(organizational energy) -commuting to work
-business travel

Carbon Emissions Classification for Operating Energy

carbon spreadsheet

As can be seen at the base of the spreadsheet, the anaysls sets out Metrics, Floor Area, Occupancy, Enclosure, Openings, Lights, HVAC, Resource Use and Climate within the overall matrix of study.



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