In keeping up with the changing progress of technology,
the government structure changes. In these films, the creation of
believability comes from the structure of government or society
that has become totalitarian. This scenario draws a plausible case
for with all the scientific interference and many struggles to integrate
into society, it is only rational to believe that in the future,
there will be a power game where control and order is maintained
by force. The new or neo-government is a depiction of what may happen
to the our free will if we don't start thinking about the power
we hold in shaping the future.

With the problematic integration of robots and and human in Metropolis
2001(see above), the tension between the races and the control
of all the terrifying for if you are not at the demarcated zone,
then you terminated. The mere idea of the government or an organization
in power like the Ziggurat have the authority over where you
live and how to live is dystopic. Furthermore, if the totalitarian
organization choose to put the fate of the city to the hands
of a super being/robot like Tima, then we would all face the
possibility of having our lives controlled by the things that
we have created.

The control of the government that brings fear is the abdication
of our free will. As in the Clockwork Orange (above), Alex who
is a violent person is subjected to the Ludovico torture where
he is no longer in control of his actions. The abdication of
his free will due to a government project is fearful enough,
but to imagine the possibility of that actually happening is
quite dystopic. Just the thought of having to lick someone's
shoes by force is appalling.

However, this neo-government and its forceful ways to control makes
sense to a certain degree. It is familiar because the totalitarian
governments have been established before and some are still
standing. With the current state of constant terrorist threats
between countries, the world of Brazil (above) is credible.
It is believable that the government has no choice but to restrict,
control and terminate for the fear of the city's/country's impending
doom otherwise. Everything is dealt through series of documents,
but what if there was a mix-up? In Brazil, the mistake on the
government part is not fixed, people ended up dying, hurting
and as in the case of the heroine, being tested as a terrorist.

The human fate rested upon the computer to define whether to terminate
you or not is disturbing, but in Alphaville (above), it gets worse.
The individuality is forbidden and a totalitarian system of governing
rules all aspects of life. It is possible that because the city
ran by a computer, Alpha60, the city itself takes on a likeness
to a computer. Consequently, the citizens are denied of complex
emotions as well as any thoughts of past and future for there is
only the present time in Alphaville. This neo-government of being
controlled by the computer that humankind has been built brings
new meaning to: creator governed by the created same as the hunter
being the hunted. Alpha60 sets out to destroy all the other cities
and holds the ability to kill you with its psychological control.
The dystopia in the formation of this totalitarian neo-government
is the psychological factor, it is no longer a physical restriction,thus
the fear is left in the possibility that the morals of the human
life is left at the mercy of the technology.